Friday, December 27, 2019

The Gothic Theme in Dracula by Bram Stoker Essay - 907 Words

The Gothic Theme in Dracula by Bram Stoker Bram Stokers Dracula is a true Gothic novel that belongs on any gothic literature course. Focusing in on the recurring themes, characters and settings used throughout the novel one sees how Dracula has set the standard for Gothic literature today. The theme in Dracula is that classic Gothic theme of the epic battle of good versus evil. In this novel this is expressed in a very direct way, there is never any question as to who is right and who is wrong. As it can be clearly seen the protagonists on the side of good have many endearing qualities while the antagonists on the side of evil have a pact with Lucifer and are of the purest evil. The main antagonist in this story, Dracula, has†¦show more content†¦Consider as well how the four men in the story risk their lives for that of Minas. Bram Stoker reveals his attitude towards the nature of Victorian society by making the evil side in this novel very seductive. Even though the side of good is well aware of the harm the evil s ide can cause, the seductiveness of the evil side tempts our protagonists on many occasions. For example when Van Helsing has trouble bringing himself to stake the three women because of their physical beauty and when Jonathan Harker nearly allows himself to be bitten by one of the women because of how physically attracted he is to her. I felt in my heart some wicked, burning desire that they would kiss me with those red lips.# Stoker comments on the nature of Victorian society by showing how unacceptable it was to give in to those primal desires. This relates to the struggle between good and evil between our heroes of Victorian society and the devilish vampires. Vampires are in control of those evil, primal desires in the story and good people like Jonathan Harker and Van Helsing must fight off these desires lest they lose their clean and pure Victorian existences. The characters in Dracula are very Gothic. Dracula is the most important antagonist in the novel. Dracula is a very if not the most interesting Gothic character ever created. He like all vampires casts no shadow and possesses no reflection. Dracula cannot die by the mere passing of time for he isShow MoreRelatedThe Use Of Gothic Elements In Dracula By Bram Stoker1698 Words   |  7 Pagesnovel, Dracula, is set and written in the nineteenth century during the Victorian era. The Victorian people had certain beliefs about Christianity and the roles of men and women in society. Women were allowed only to do certain things and were expected to do specific things in regards to men. The Victorian people also had their own interpretation of superstitions. Stoker introduced the Victorian people to gothic elements in his literary works. In literature, gothic novels often use gothic elementsRead MoreGothic Motifs Of Bram Stoker s Dracula1165 Words   |  5 PagesThe novel Dracula is a v ery popular book that was written in the form of Gothic Literature. This novel was written by Bram Stoker in the Victorian Age. A large portion of this piece of writing deals with many famous Gothic motifs. Gothic Literature combines the usual Gothic horror with fiction and Romanticism (Wikipedia). A motif is a distinctive symbol or dominant idea used in literature. So therefore, a Gothic motif is a literary symbol that usually combines fiction with either horror or romanceRead MoreLiterary Review of Bram Stokers Dracula Essay1230 Words   |  5 PagesReview of Bram Stoker’s Dracula Prior to the creation of the literary classic â€Å"Dracula†, Bram Stoker spent his time managing the Lyceum Theatre and legendary actor Henry Irving. According to Jennifer Dorn, when the novel was first published in 1897, critics regarded it as a â€Å"pulp fiction potboiler† (Dorn). The novels declaration as a literary masterpiece came many years later. A graduate of Trinity college, Stoker came from a middle class Irish family, the son of a civil servant. The publicationRead MoreHow Bram Stoker Uses Gothic Conventions to Create an Atmosphere of Suspense and Fear for the Reader1340 Words   |  6 PagesHow Bram Stoker Uses Gothic Conventions to Create an Atmosphere of Suspense and Fear for the Reader Dracula is one of the most well-know novels, it was written by Abraham Stoker. At the time Dracula was released in 1897, people regarded it as being a romantic horror, with some elements of fantasy and also it was especially famous for its gothic conventions. In modern times the term gothic can be regarded as being barbarous, offensive and uncouth. Although many peopleRead MoreFilm Review : Dracula By Bram Stoker Essay1743 Words   |  7 Pageschanging the roles of the main characters, scenes, theme, time period, or even the overall story. After reading the gothic novel Dracula written by Bram Stoker in 1897, it is amazing how the storyline is similar to the 1931 horror film, Dracula directed by Browning, starring Bela Lugosi. However, they differ in many key characteristics confusing the audience. Although the Dracula novel and film are similar in many aspects, the filmmakers of the 1931 Dracula give different roles to the main characters,Read MoreAnalysis Of Bram Stoker s Dracula1448 Words   |  6 PagesDracula is a widely known novel written by Bram Stoker in 1897. It is popular worldwide for its intense love story and backstory of the infamous Count Dracula. Stoker was born in Dublin, Ireland in 1847. As a child, he was very ill, so in an attempt to entertain himself, he read several books and listened to the horror stories his mother told him. In turn, Stoker became interested in ghost stories and began writing them. Gothic fiction was a genre that was extremely popular during this time periodRead MoreComparing Dracula And Mary Shelley s Dracula And Frankenstein 1933 Words   |  8 PagesDuffey AP English 12 17 Aug 2015 Dracula and Frankenstein Dracula and Frankenstein are both novels within the category of Fantasy. They are both also written in the Gothic style. The authors of Dracula and Frankenstein each experienced many hardships in their life. Some that may have affected the themes used in their novels, and some continued to affect them after the novels were published. Bram Stoker and Mary Shelley are two authors that shaped the Gothic genre into the deep, dark, and thrillingRead MoreGothic Literature- the Black Cat by Edgar Allen Poe and Dracula by Bram Stoker1687 Words   |  7 PagesDracula by Bram Stoker and The Black Cat by Edgar Allen Poe Any text that is composed is written to fit into the society that it is written for. A genre must evolve and modernise itself to remain relevant and interesting to the target audience. In â€Å"The Black Cat† by Edgar Allen Poe and â€Å"Dracula† by Bram Stoker, the composers have both adapted their stories to appeal the people of their time. â€Å"Dracula† by Bram Stoker used many of the conventions of the gothic genre to appeal to the VictorianRead MoreDracula Transformation Essay1237 Words   |  5 Pageswhich is a reconstruction of Dracula, a novel by Bram Stoker, and Nosferatu a film directed by F.W. Murnau. The use of intertexuality in Shadow of the Vampire is a key aspect which allows it to echo; themes, the gothic mode and issues that are present in the other two texts. Through a clear pastiche, Merhige produces a new text from the old. Immortality is a key theme which has been subverted from the physical sense through sucking blood, as it’s represented in Dracula, to the spiritual sense throughRead MoreTextual Reading/ Literary Analysis on Dracula1720 Words   |  7 PagesReading/ Literary Analysis Audience: classmates who argues that â€Å"Dracula† is not a Gothic genre Purpose: to show them that â€Å"Dracula† is a perfectly good example of Gothic genre â€Å"Dracula† a novel by Bram Stoker, deals with vampire folklore, Christian beliefs, and mostly gothic elements. Gothic elements are tremendous in this novel as it is seen a lot throughout the novel. The components of classic gothic elements as seen in â€Å"Dracula† includes the setting of the novel, the tone, a villainous character

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Family Buying Decision Making For Children Essay - 2668 Words

Introduction 1. Previous Studies related to subject 1.1 Family Buying Decision-Making Family buying decision-making is never been an easy one, as all family Members Family involved in that decision, there are buying preference and old consuming habits, All that can affect the way of taking the decision, the type of consuming products in other words who will use it more it is belong to all like in TV or some educational device as helping learning English letters for children. The decision processes in all references gather in the following steps â€Å"Problem recognition, Information search, Evaluation of alternatives, Buying decision and post buying â€Å" . According to (Tai Ming Wut and Ting Jui Chou,2012) the buying decision is a wife and husband decision especially the big buy that all family can get benefit from like vacation , Furniture , with devices like refrigerator , Stove ,Cooling system, it means clarified the derision itself by the type of Goods or services by asking some q uestions : who will use it , where you will put it , how much the price for it , and if there is maintenance for it or not ? . In the same study, they mentioned the social learning theory which said : â€Å"in the social process consumers learn to be a consumer the more the community learn from each other the more will know how to consume goods and services .(Tai Ming Wut and Ting Jui Chou,2012,pp:) as this a nature in human being to learn fromShow MoreRelatedThe Decision Making Process Of Consumers Essay1679 Words   |  7 Pagesthe purchase decision maker. Understanding them helps the marketers in various fields from product manufacturing process to developing a good marketing strategy. The focus of the review of the research is to understand the decision making process by focussing on family buying decision or role of gender in family buying decision. Over the last few years, the pattern of family has changed a lot. Changing are occurring in role of woman in the society, future perspectives, and size of family etc. Read MoreExplain Why It Is Important for Marketers to Understand the Consumer Decision Making Process918 Words   |  4 Pagespersonal and specific influences effecting consumers and the nature of the decision making process they use. Research suggests that customers go through a five-stage decision-making process when making any purchase. This is summarised in the diagram below: Figure 1, This model is important for anyone making marketing decisions. It ensures the marketers consider the whole buying process rather than just the purchase decision. This model implies that customers go through all stages in every purchaseRead MoreFactors that influence consumer buying behavior1747 Words   |  7 Pagesthat influence consumer buying behavior There are a lot of subjects for marketers to understand in order to get more customers purchasing their companies’ products or brands. Consumer buying behavior is one of the studies that marketers need to understand. Factors that influence consumer buying behavior can be classified into four classes which are social factor, cultural factor, personal factor and psychological factor. One of the factors that influence consumer buying behavior is social factorsRead MoreConsumer Shopping Behaviors And Brand / Product Preference973 Words   |  4 Pagesreaction on certain brands or products. In the demographic information in all class levels of college students 77.8% are female, 22.2% are male. In addition, 63% said their parents paid for them. (Bahng, Kincade, Yang, 2013). Buying a product of a certain brand is more than just buying a product; that product is a symbol of that brand assigning a different meaning of the product. A brand develops over time. When you buy a product the value of the brand is more than the product. It communicates with peopleRead More7 Os: Occupants, Objects, Objectives, Organizations, Operations, Occasions, Outletss1336 Words   |  6 Pagesparticipates in buying? Organizations How does the market buy? Operations When does the market buy? Occasions Where does the market buy? Outlets Buyer’s needs, characteristics and decision making process interact with the stimuli created by the environment and marketers and buying decisions are made by the buyers. Hence marketers have to understand what happens in the buyer’s consciousness between the arrival of outside stimuli and the buyer’s purchase decision. They must answerRead MoreSocial Observation : Swap Meet899 Words   |  4 Pageswere 27 individuals who came into our banana booth. There were a family of five; a family of three with a toddler boy. I noticed that these two families both have younger children. The family of five had a baby in a stroller and two girls around the age of 9-11, while the family of three has toddler boy. The family of five, only the mother came inside the tent to pick bananas while the father stayed outside with the children. The family of three, both parents and the toddler came in and they collectivelyRead MoreThe American Dream801 Words   |  4 PagesThe American Dream has a different meaning today as opposed to fifty-years ago. The American Dream once meant: marrying the love of your life, buying a home in the suburbs with a white pick et fence, two to three children, and obtaining a job one could retire from in twenty years. That dream has vanished and disappeared with the advent, development, and advancement of technology, higher costs of living, and rising expenses of student loan debt. The heavy burden of paying off loans from attainingRead MoreBuyer Behavior and Branding1814 Words   |  7 Pagesrewards to a firm which leads to be a magnet to the customers. Consumer behaviour identify how clients make purchase and leverage decisions and how they use and dispose of the purchase goods or services therefore we can realize the importance and grandness of consumer behaviour for a seller point of view and as a critical process during the decision making process. A marketer needs to discover who their consumers are and to be ready to be up to sell their products, generate revenue and profitRead MoreApartments Are A Better Choice Than Houses943 Words   |  4 PagesApartments are a better choice than houses because they don’t require as much work and commitment. It truly does depend on your preference. If you have a larger family, an apartment may not be the best choice. People sometimes spend months making the choice for their living situation because you don’t want to be unhappy since you may live there for over two years. The process can be dreading and tiring but in the end it will be worth it. A house is typically has multiple bedrooms with two levelsRead MoreThe Concept Of Family Life Cycle1411 Words   |  6 Pages2a. Explain the concept of Family Life Cycle and its use in marketing. Choose one stage and give 4 products that might be marketed to them, and a TV show and a magazine that might be used as vehicles for the marketing effort. Be sure to justify your selections â€Å"The family life cycle (FLC) is a series of stages determined by a combination of age, marital status, and the presence or absence of children† (Chapter 8, page 146, MKTG). FLC is used in marketing to narrow down target markets. Marketing

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

I Am the Grass Essay free essay sample

Am the Grass is a short story written by Daly Walker, who has also written other short stories for The Sewanee Review and The Sycamore Review. Born in Winchester, Indiana in 1924, Daly Walker is a surgeon by trade and started to write after he was forty. Daly also served in the Vietnam War from 1967-1968, it serves as an inspiration for I Am the Grass. The story details a mans struggle of life after the war in Vietnam, and returning to Vietnam. This includes painful psychological trauma, the feeling of guilt for his actions, and finally his attempt to redeem himself in his own eyes. At the start of the story we read about assorted atrocities committed during the Vietnam War by a nameless man, who is the main character. They include raping a thirteen-year old girl, decapitating a man with a machete, and throwing defenseless prisoners off of a helicopter. Along with the atrocities, the reader sees a battered past and something that haunts the main character . The story also goes on to explain how after the war, the main character goes on to medical school where he becomes a successful plastic surgeon. The main character also describes the fear that comes back to him when anti-war protestors blow up a classroom while he’s asleep. It takes him back to the attacks done on his base while he was in Vietnam, he goes on to explain that even though the he has left the war, â€Å"the war has followed him home† (316). The main character shows how he tries to redeem himself for the bad he has done. This includes going to impoverished countries to repair deformities on people who can’t afford plastic surgery. He explains â€Å"how it makes me feel like a decent man, a healer† (317). This shows how it feels good for him to heal people as opposed to feeling good killing them when he was younger. After the minor back-story and introduction to his past and inner-demons, the main character is on a plane headed to Vietnam. Ironically, this time to help the people he once did horrible things to. He is taken around the countryside, where he recognizes many of the nicknames of the roads soldiers gave. Then he is introduced to another surgeon, one who he would have originally called an enemy, to take him to those in need of the surgery. In nother twist of irony, the Vietnamese â€Å"surgeon† is missing his thumbs. This prevents him from performing surgery unlike the main character. They both talk about fighting each other in the war and then go forth to perform the surgeries on the people who needed them. As the story continues, the narrator, has been successful in 18 surgeries and feels good. Until he has to â€Å"make a difficult decision†(320) when the thumbless Vietnamese surgeon asks him to perform a â€Å"difficult surgery†(321) on him. A surgery where the big toe of the foot is transplanted to where the thumb once was. Despite the risk and lack of any more advanced medical tools, the narrator decides to go forward with it. This shows that the narrator is willing to do an extremely difficult surgery without the proper tools, so that perhaps he may find some peace in himself. Yet the dreams of the man he decapitated still haunt him, even on the eve of the big surgery. While he prepares himself, the narrator explains the feeling as â€Å"a sense of power that has been in no other place but surgery, except when my finger was on the trigger of an M60† (324). He starts and is meticulous in using the primitive medical instruments provided to him. He feels as if he has done a good job and even forms a steady friendship with the Vietnamese surgeon. However, the day he has to leave, it goes south. The main character goes to unwrap the bandages and finds that the transplant has failed, as the implanted big toe has rotted. Furious at himself, he removes it before he leaves. In an attempt to make himself feel better, it is shown how the main character hopes to see the thumbless surgeon at the airport. Perhaps saying bye to him and thanking him for his efforts. However there is no one there, on the flight home though, he realizes that the risk involved with Vietnam made him feel like a part of the country. He comes to see that he embraces the risk and everything that comes with it. I Am the Grass is presented as a story that is simple to understand, but also has an emotional effect. Walker gives us a character with a detailed past, a very good storyline, and the setting and theme of redemption which is present throughout the whole story. The theme of redemption is supported throughout the story. The main character tries to redeem himself in his own yes by doing surgeries for free in impoverished nations. Also, when he takes on the risky task of the toe transplant. It leaves the reader wondering, what if it would have worked? Would he have calmed his conscience of reminding him about the past atrocities he committed? The story, which begins by describing very graphic atrocities, turns into a story of more peace than war. One where the narrator has lost himself in the scourge of war, but is trying to find himself by using his talents for good. Trying to find inner-peace from his personal demons. It comes together near the end of the story. When he finds out the transplant didn’t work and he wants to leave immediately. But contrary to his expected reaction, the Vietnamese surgeon calmly tells him to remove it, which the main character does. In a way he faced his own inner demons despite the disappointment. Walker’s decision to make the setting a run down dirty hospital isn’t one that a lot of people can relate to. However, the message of redemption is one that a lot of people can. The conflict he delivers is one that is present in others, just not in the form of war crimes and surgeries. That’s something that a lot can relate to. In this story, Walker has shown a veteran who is haunted by his past and tries to redeem himself. It delivers a powerful message on how the road to the inner-peace of a person is faced with many challenges and setbacks. Ironically, amidst the moment of disappointment, the character realizes that he has come to accept the risks he took in life, along with the consequences. There he finds at that moment of redemption that he had long been looking for.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Movie Review Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Essay Example

Movie Review: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Paper The film had weaknesses such as that the Holy Grail had been found by three brothers whom where to protect it from outsiders. The lengths at which they took to guard and hide it, such as burying the shield with one of the brothers showing the city for the starting point in the map, burying the tablet describing the Holy Grail, and the biblical codes to access the Holy Grail. The film romanticizes the Holy Grail and what It stands for. The brothers set up traps to ward off or even kill Intruders. There, also, was a secret group to keep others from locating the Grail. If such a group were to truly exist, they would be more secretive In their actions. The film also showed more of a good versus evil plot line. The good, portrayed by Indiana Jones and his father, Dry. Henry Jones, and the evil, the Nazis. The Jones wanted the Holy Grail for proof of a divine power, the Nazis wanted it to help conquer the world. The film had strengths in which it shows the Holy Grail for what it probably truly would be, a simple cup for a simple lifestyle crafted by a sample carpenter, not a jeweled or golden chalice. The film also showed how money would need to make a step out in faith in order to achieve everlasting life, and showing that Chrisms blood will save us and give us the salvation we seek. The healing powers of the Holy Grail were demonstrated, although it is not truly known what the Holy Grail would heal like, or if in fact legend Is true, and the Holy Grail would grant eternal life. We will write a custom essay sample on Movie Review: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Movie Review: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Movie Review: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Based on text and legend, the film followed closely In some aspects of the story of the Holy Grail, and fictionally others. The film shows many different Images taken from biblical times, as well as Images used In the storyline of he telling of the films plot. The film stays true In many ways to biblical text, showing and telling how the Holy Grail is Chrisms cup. The cup He drank from on the night of his betrayal and arrest. Then, the cup was used to catch Chrisms blood as it dripped from his wounds on the crucifix. The film tells the Holy Grail was given to Joseph, for safe keeping, but then the Holy Grail was lost for a thousand years this is where the movie steers off course from biblical text and states that three brothers, all knights found the Grail and hid it from the world. The movie, after all the action and fluff of good versus evil returns to biblical text when it is time for Jones to retrieve the Holy Grail. Indiana Jones takes his fathers notes to decode the entrance and gain access to the cup. Indiana Jones must learn that you cant be saved when you are dead. First, you must kneel and repent before God because only a penitent man will pass. Then Only In the footsteps of God will he proceed so we must learn the word of God Jehovah! Next Indiana Jones must take a leap of faith in God and step not HIS paten walkout Knolling IT ten paten Is tenet, out only trusting In Nils Talon Indiana Jones must choose the correct cup. This is a true act of what Indiana Jones has learned from his father and his faith. Gold, Jewels, etc. Do not make anything special or worthy, in fact they make us greedy and evil such as the Nazis. We must be humble in our ways to glorify the Lord. Indiana Jones picked wisely the cup of the carpenter. During the intense moments when Indiana Jones was trying to maneuver the trials to gain entry, he was completely dependent on the book his father wrote. The book that gave him detailed information on how to proceed on his path to stay safe. Indiana Jones had to study the Journal and obey the rules to make it to safety to the Holy Grail. We have a book like Henry Jones Journal that guides our lives we call in the Holy Bible. The Bible gives us clear directions and all the necessary information to live our lives in accordance with the Lord. In order for us to make it through all the obstacles laid before us in the flesh life on earth, we must follow the instructions listed by our Father to get to the kingdom of Heaven for everlasting life.