Saturday, February 22, 2020

LED lighting fixtures market of US Research Paper

LED lighting fixtures market of US - Research Paper Example Third basic benefit LED based light offers are increased life spam performance as compare to conventional lighting technologies. Well designed LED lights gives 50,000 to 100,000 hours of performance or more. Along with these basic benefits associated with LED. These features provides overall cost effectiveness and environmentally beneficial source of lighting (The Climate Group, 2012). 3. Customer Demographic and Market Demographic Lighting industry in US is second in row after China. US demand for s same is projected to increase by 7.5 percent annually amounting to $25.3 billion in 2016 (IES, 2012). This product is not entitled to cater people of certain age, state, sex etc. It is residential as well as commercial product designed for all cost sensitive segment, low income segment. These fixtures provide efficient source of lighting which is need of every house and office. 4. Reasons for Selecting China for Buying China has been selected as a destination for production as it provide s cost effective manufacturing. In year 2012 China has regarded growth of LED lighting industry for next five years as 7th emerging industry. Hence, China is providing considerable support to increase its LED production at local level. To gain this industry specific benefit combined with the low cost labor availability, it has been decided to establish setting in china for buying LED lighting fixtures from China manufacturing firms. 5. Entry Mode Selected It has been decided to enter Chinese market for buying LED lighting fixtures as third party contractors. This decision is based on the fact the currently China is supporting local production to meet its own demand. Chinese... LED lighting fixtures market of US Importing final product to US, share in US market will captured through distributors and retailers. 1. Product and Country Background LED lighting fixtures industry is among the fastest growing industries in world. When account for the Global demand for lighting fixtures, it is projected to jump high above at 6.9 percent annually to $153 billion through 2016 (Global Information, 2012). This rise in demand is contributed by three major sectors: construction, motor vehicles and machinery and commercial and residential consumers (gnom, 2012). ABC plans to introduce LED lighting fixtures for commercial and residential users. Image 1 (Smallwood, 2012) LED lighting fixtures to be sold in US will be imported from China. China has the highest demand for light fixtures and through 2016 it is expected to retain its top position by with additional 36 percent rise in demand.US follow is on second position with 18 percent share in rise in global sales (Tao, 2012). Penetration of LED lighting fixt ures in US and China with growth in future is given in image 2 and 3. High growth in demand in China and across world has resulted in an increased production of LED lighting fixtures in China with government supporting and subsidizing the industry to remain competitive (Hausken, 2011). To cater dumping issues, ABC Company, has initially developed business model based on low frill product, hence, providing product at status which is used to dump the market.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Education Sector & Collective Bargaining Research Paper

Education Sector & Collective Bargaining - Research Paper Example Furthermore, as move towards the statistics provided for the grade 8 and grade 12 students, a visible trend appears. All others states, which prohibit collective bargaining, remain at the bottom but Virginia also keep falling down in the ranking (English, 2011). According to the researches regarding the salaries of teachers, especially in the public schools, most teachers are paid with single salary schedule. Regardless of which grade and subject they teach the criteria for determining their salary remains the same, which depends heavily on their degrees, qualification, and their years of service. There are almost no schools or teachers with bargain on other factors such as difficulty of the job, working with at risk children, working conditions, previous performance, or time required by the children, researches required, and others (English, 2011). The concept of merit based pay is still far way in education sector, however, in other sectors, merit based pay is an existing and growi ng phenomenon (Hannaway & Rotherham, 2006). Nevertheless, as one move up the hierarchy of education undergraduate, masters level education and so on, the power to bargaining the salary with experience and educational qualification increases. There are fewer teachers for higher education, thus they are able to exercise significant power over the bargaining power duties (Moo, 1999; Imber & Geel, 2010). Collective bargaining in various industries and professions involving measures such as strikes and walkouts; however, they cannot be applied in the same way in the educational sector. This is true because professions of doctors, teachers, and law enforcement... As the report stresses it is interesting to note the impact of collective bargaining power on educational levels and performance of students. According to the recent statistics provided by â€Å"National Assessment of Educational Progress of the 52 American Jurisdictions†, Virginia is only American, which prohibits collective bargaining in education sector and still ranks at the seventh position when it comes to assessment of grade 4th students in reading. Furthermore, out of the top 30 states in this list, Virginia is the only one to prohibit collective bargaining. This paper declares that most teachers are paid with single salary schedule. Regardless of which grade and subject they teach the criteria for determining their salary remains the same, which depends heavily on their degrees, qualification, and their years of service. There are almost no schools or teachers with bargain on other factors such as difficulty of the job, working with at risk children, working conditions, previous performance, or time required by the children, researches required, and others. The concept of merit based pay is still far way in education sector, however, in other sectors, merit based pay is an existing and growing phenomenon. Collective bargaining in various industries and professions involving measures such as strikes and walkouts; however, they cannot be applied in the same way in the educational sector. This is true because professions of doctors, teachers, and law enforcement agencies provided important and urgent services to the society.